Thursday, May 6

No News Is Good News Right?

Well, we had our big reveal ultra sound...
See, I have issues with ultra sounds and learning the sex of the baby because well, we do not have a good record of babies showing their stuff for us. 2 out of the 3 of our kids were too modest to show the goods! We were forced to get a surprise at the birthday. Don't get me wrong that is fun, but knowing ahead of time is fun too.

So, I went in to the appointment with low expectations, the ultra sound technician was very sweet! She told me that the baby is healthy and that is what is most important! I stared to laugh because I knew she couldn't tell. She let me know she was glad I was laughing about it because most ladies cry or yell at her, just because she cannot tell them the sex of the baby! Anyway, we are having a baby! Nothing new in that news announcement I guess :). She also mentioned the baby was in the absolute worst position for us to tell the sex, hence no announcement, but a great position for her to measure all the body parts, so that is good.

Thursday, March 18


Well, I must say I have neglected the ole' family blog... I will give another try at keeping up! Sorry for the slacking! :)

Thursday, April 2

Boy O' Boy

Oh my goodness, I am done for I mean seriously, too cute!

Girlie Girls

Now I know all mothers think this but seriously my girls are just so cute! Plus, they have personality to boot!

More Pictures!

I need a haircut!

I'm ready for my close up Mr. DeVille!!

Reason number 547 on Why not to pick up your baby brother!

It's been too long...

David is now pulling himself up on stuff, and getting into absolutely everything!

Playing cards with Daddy....You gotta watch Red she's been known to sneek a peak at your hand!

See I told you he was pulling himself up on stuff!

Ema's birthday gift from Uncle Jason and Aunt Susan was a princess day and she brought home a ton of girly loot to share with Amy!

I'm just going to post a bunch of random pictures because I haven't done ANYTHING with this blog in so long! Sorry

Thursday, December 4

Typical trip to Wal-Mart

So today... wow.

We had 3 diapers left, so I decided that since I would already be out doing and errand for Danny, we would stop by Wal-Mart and pick up diapers and wipes and all those other fun things!

Well, Amy is still recovering from what I am pretty sure was the flu and David was (or so I thought) over his lovely diarrhea problem (sorry I'm a mom I talk about poop). Also, I haven't showered yet and thought my pajama top looked good enough with jeans. So yes as you can guess that is a perfect combination to shop at one of the busiest most frustrating stores to shop at!

So we get all the stuff we need and some stuff we don't really need and I smell something off. I see a lady from church and she wants to say Hi so we stop and chat and she pretends not to notice that I haven't showered and Ema brushed her own hair, Amy is passed out in the back of the cart and David is omitting a foul odor. We say our goodbyes, I vow to myself to always take pjs off before going in public. Then, we head to the check out. I sniff again and sure enough David is smiling a big grin and stinks to high heaven. "Ok, I'll just change him after the cashier is done, oh yea great the baby bag is in the car....It's like 30 degrees out so I can't change him out there. Oh wait I bought diapers and wipes I'm set!"

We pull the buggy over at the rest rooms and I open up my newly purchased items to make good use of them. I take David into the "clean" restrooms and the girls agree to wait patiently outside, (now before you judge I could still see them). The changing thingy at Wal-Mart is conveniently located right in the middle aisle of the woman's room, thereby making it impossible for anyone to enter or leave a stall without the mom changing said baby having to move clear out of the way. Nice. SO I lay down my chubby little bundle of goodness and un-snap his bottoms and then I noticed it.....Oh for the love of all that is good in this world, he has pooped up his back. Not just kinda blew out but this was the diaper blow out to beat all diaper blow outs. It was like one centimeter away from his hair on the back of his head! Yellow poop EVERYWHERE! I pull his 2 layers of poop drenched clothes off and try to change him. All this while moving back and forth allowing people to get to the stalls hearing comments from older ladies about how cute he is and hearing their sentences break off when they realize that he is the one creating that gross smell. All, I can do is smile and try not to turn the deep color maroon I'm sure I was.

SO I stripped my 6 month old baby down to a diaper only put him back in the cart and cover him with his coat ran to the baby aisle and picked up some Batman pjs to throw on him so hypothermia doesn't set in. We check out AGAIN, I grab a 20 oz. Pepsi telling myself I deserve it! We get David dressed and finally out to the van. We load up, everyone gets buckled in. I get in and just sit for a second take a deep breath while assuring myself that this is all worth it. I reach for my beloved Pepsi and twist the cap.......PPPPPFFFFFFFTTTTT.......Yea, never let your 4 year old hold your pop while you load the car up. Also, you probably shouldn't ask her not to shake it because that lets her know that shaking it must be the most fun thing in the world to do.