Thursday, April 2

Boy O' Boy

Oh my goodness, I am done for I mean seriously, too cute!

Girlie Girls

Now I know all mothers think this but seriously my girls are just so cute! Plus, they have personality to boot!

More Pictures!

I need a haircut!

I'm ready for my close up Mr. DeVille!!

Reason number 547 on Why not to pick up your baby brother!

It's been too long...

David is now pulling himself up on stuff, and getting into absolutely everything!

Playing cards with Daddy....You gotta watch Red she's been known to sneek a peak at your hand!

See I told you he was pulling himself up on stuff!

Ema's birthday gift from Uncle Jason and Aunt Susan was a princess day and she brought home a ton of girly loot to share with Amy!

I'm just going to post a bunch of random pictures because I haven't done ANYTHING with this blog in so long! Sorry