Thursday, May 6

No News Is Good News Right?

Well, we had our big reveal ultra sound...
See, I have issues with ultra sounds and learning the sex of the baby because well, we do not have a good record of babies showing their stuff for us. 2 out of the 3 of our kids were too modest to show the goods! We were forced to get a surprise at the birthday. Don't get me wrong that is fun, but knowing ahead of time is fun too.

So, I went in to the appointment with low expectations, the ultra sound technician was very sweet! She told me that the baby is healthy and that is what is most important! I stared to laugh because I knew she couldn't tell. She let me know she was glad I was laughing about it because most ladies cry or yell at her, just because she cannot tell them the sex of the baby! Anyway, we are having a baby! Nothing new in that news announcement I guess :). She also mentioned the baby was in the absolute worst position for us to tell the sex, hence no announcement, but a great position for her to measure all the body parts, so that is good.

Thursday, March 18


Well, I must say I have neglected the ole' family blog... I will give another try at keeping up! Sorry for the slacking! :)